It’s incredibly frustrating to have engine stalling issues, as they always seems to happen, at the worst possible time.
Sometimes, diagnosing the cause of engine stalling issues, can seem like a complicated job.
But, the truth is, that all modern engines, operate on the same basic principals. That means, that they all share the same common systems, of which any could result in, engine stalling issues.
So, there is no one cause for engine stalling issues, which serves as the underlying issue in every case. Instead, a number of different issues can be to blame. And, in such cases, thereby needing further diagnostic troubleshooting, before a stalling condition can be fixed.
When Your Engine Stalls, Immediately That Blind Trust You Have In Your Vehicle Disappears:
- Will it happen again?
- What caused it?
- Do you need to get it looked at?
- Is it still safe to drive?
- What is this going to cost?
Suddenly, you question your vehicle’s reliability.
Diagnosing engine stalling issues, often takes more thought, than actual work with your hands. So, time spent analyzing engine stalling issues, is more effective than having wrenches fly. Therefore, taking your time doing proper diagnostics, will pay off in the end.

It’s unquestionably a nerve-wracking experience. And, in some cases, it’s also downright frightening. So, what do you do? Get your vehicle to a safe place, so you can start your diagnostic testing.
Taking Steps, To Find The Problem Yourself
Before attempting any diagnosis, it’s a good idea, to do a visual inspection of the engine.

- Is there a wire loose ?
- Did a vacuum line fall off ?
Do not look for a complicated solution, when your engine stalling issues, may only be a simple problem.
Check Diagnostic Trouble Codes
On modern vehicles, the (PCM), stores a (DTC), when it senses a problem with one of the on board systems. Then, it turns on the check engine light.

These codes help narrow things down and point, where to start your diagnostic process. Then, once you’ve retrieved the code, follow the manufacturer’s given diagnostic procedures.
A Faulty Sensor or Electrical Component
Modern engines rely heavily on, electrical sensors to function properly. So, when an electrical component, isn’t working properly, the engine’s computer isn’t receiving the necessary information, to stay running. Consequently, if an electrical component is to blame, the vehicle’s “check engine” light will come on.

So, a good first step, is to pop the hood and check all the electrical connectors. Consequently, the problem might be as simple as, a sensor that has become unplugged. But, if that’s not the case, you may have a sensor that needs replacing. And, there are many that can cause, engine stalling issues.
Temperature Related Problems
Fortunately, with enough knowledge, the problem can be diagnosed and fixed. Stalling problems are often temperature related. And, are more apt to occur, during cold weather.

This kind of stalling problem often means, the engine is not getting enough, fuel and/or too much air. That’s why, a cold engine needs, a fairly rich fuel mixture to start and to idle smoothly.
Any Of The Following, Could Cause Or Contribute To This Kind Of Engine Stalling Issues:
- An engine vacuum leak
- A dirty or defective airflow sensor
- A defective idle speed control system
- A faulty coolant sensor
- A faulty air temperature sensor
- A bad Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor
- Low engine compression
- Worn or fouled spark plugs
- Bad gas
So, this is just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to testing and repairing, engine stalling issues. Finally, with modern, computer controlled vehicles, there are a number reasons an engine may stall.
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