Timing Belts – Chains Or Gears, All Do The Same Thing, Differently

Timing Belt vs Timing Gear vs Timing Chain
Timing Belt vs Timing Gear vs Timing Chain


Consequently, their job is to synchronize, the rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft. But, despite having the same job, timing belts – chains or gears, are unique in their design. Timing belts – chains or gears, are something we need to pay more attention to.

So, as with most things that have different ways to configure them, there is no “better or worse” way. Because, each have their, own advantages and disadvantages.

At first, engines used timing gears, but slowly evolved to timing chains. Later, timing belts came around and were quieter, but, problematic. And, over the years broken timing belts have damaged many interference engines. Interference designs help engines breathe better, by improving engine efficiency, power, fuel economy and emissions.

More recently, engines have been moving back to stronger, and longer lasting timing chains. As a result, preventing premature failure, and damage of interference engines.


  • Timing Belts, are light and quiet, but they don’t last very long. Oil and coolant leaks, speed up this deterioration. So, it is usually recommend to replace the timing belt, every 60,000 to 105,000 miles.
  • Timing Chains, are heavier and more complex than timing belts. And, also last much longer. Furthermore, timing chains don’t have a replacement interval. Regular oil changes prevent premature wear, stretching, and failure.
  • Timing Gears, are the heaviest and noisiest. And, they do have a distinctive whining noise. Like timing chains, timing gears are strong, accurate and last a long time.

For decades, timing gears and timing chains were state-of-the-art, but noisy and heavy. Drivers demanded something quieter, so timing belts were born.

As a result, Timing Belts – Chains Or Gears, can have issues and fail.

Timing Belts

As the belts are flexible and there is no metal on metal contact, it eliminates the need for lubrication. The majority of manufacturers recommend changing the timing belt, between 60,000 and 100,000 miles. Almost all timing belts are fed through a series of pulleys and tensioners.

The tensioners, pulleys and water pump, will also wear and should be replaced. So, do the whole job at the same time, the timing belt, water pump, tensioner and idler pulley. Because, if the timing belt fails, the other parts are not far behind. As a result, Timing Belts – Chains Or Gears, can have issues and fail.

Timing Chains

Almost all timing chains are made of metal, and look like the chains that are on a bicycle. The chain runs through the inside the engine, so it can be lubricated by engine oil. Their main benefit is that, they last for a long time.  Some disadvantages of timing chains include, the louder noise level. And, the damaging impact, if it breaks.

Similar to timing belts, they are fed through a series of tensioners. Timing chain tensioners, rely on engine oil pressure. If for any reason the oil pressure is low the chain tensioners, can lose pressure and affect engine timing. This results in poor engine performance and the chain may fail, causing expensive damage. Most timing chains have no connection to the water pump, unlike timing belts. As a result, Timing Belts – Chains Or Gears, can have issues and fail.

Timing Gears

So, timing gears in some ways, are the easiest to explain. A gear on the front of the crankshaft turns a gear on the front of the camshaft. That’s it. Timing gears are almost always located on the front of the engine. And, are lubricated by engine oil. They only need attention if, one of the gears starts to wear, then replacement is the only repair.


So, if your vehicle manufacturer recommends replacing the belt or chain at regular intervals, do it.

So, your engine will use one of either a Timing Belts – Chains Or Gears, depending on your car model. Also, high displacement vehicles, come with the timing chain. But, most reasonably priced cars, have the timing belt. Finally, the timing belt has the key advantage of being cheap, but requires maintenance.


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