(O2) Oxygen Sensor: Function – Failure Symptoms – With Testing

(O2) Oxygen Sensor
(O2) Oxygen Sensor

The, (O2) Oxygen Sensor, measures the difference, between the amount of (O2) in the exhaust gas. And, the amount of (O2) in air.

So, with that information and other sources, the (ECU) can decide, whether the “air fuel” ratio, is rich or lean.

After that, the engine control unit (ECU), adjusts the amount of fuel, injected into the engine, to compensate for excess air or excess fuel. Subsequently, the objective is a compromise between power, fuel economy, and emissions.

However, the (O2) oxygen sensor, is not able to measure, the air or the fuel entering the engine. Because, the (O2) oxygen sensor, is located in the exhaust. And, that’s where it reads, the actual (O2) content, in the exhaust. Depending on the year, make and model of your vehicle, you could have, one to four (O2) sensors.

So, the ideal ratio for (O2) and gasoline is 14.7:1. Which, slightly varies, depending on different types of fuel. Both, a rich and lean mixture, are bad for your vehicle, as well as for the environment.

How Does The (ECU) Read This Information

The information sent to the (ECU) is in the form of a voltage, above or below a preset amount. The base voltage is approximately 0.45 V (450 mV) DC., keeping the “air fuel” mixture, at the optimal ratio.

A voltage output, lower than the base amount around  0.2 V (200 mV) DC., would indicate a lean mixture.

However, a voltage output, higher than the base amount around  0.8 V (800 mV) DC., would indicate a rich mixture.

Having this information in real time, helps determine whether the “air fuel” ratio is rich or lean. So, if your (O2) sensor fails to function properly, your engine management computer, cannot determine the “air fuel” ratio. Then, the engine is forced, to guess how much fuel to use. Resulting, in a polluted engine and a poorly running vehicle.

(O2) Oxygen Sensor Failure Symptoms:

Check Engine Light (CEL)

A common sign of a faulty (O2) sensor, indicating a problem with the engine’s emissions control system.

Poor Fuel Economy

A significant drop in fuel efficiency, as the engine struggles to maintain the correct “air fuel” mixture.

Rough Idle

An irregular or uneven engine idle, potentially accompanied by stalling or hesitation.

Engine Misfires

Occasional or continuous misfires, leading to reduced power and performance.

Engine Stalling

The engine may stall or hesitate, particularly during deceleration or at idle.

Black Exhaust Smoke

A sign of a rich (excess fuel) “air fuel” mixture, indicating a faulty sensor or other issues.

Rotten Egg Smell

A strong sulfur smell from the exhaust, suggesting excessive fuel or a problem with the catalytic converter.

Reduced Power/Performance

The engine may struggle to accelerate or maintain speed, especially at higher speeds.

Failed Emissions Tests

A faulty (O2) sensor can cause the vehicle to fail emission tests, as the emissions are not being properly controlled.

Common Engine Trouble Codes For (O2) Oxygen Sensors

It’s true that many of these symptoms, could be caused by various engine problems. But, the trouble code, from the (O2) sensor will narrow it down quickly.

A trouble code (such as p0130, p0150, po132, p0141, po171, po420, po430 or others), is only the first step, in your diagnosis of the problem. It turns out that most of the issues that set (O2) sensor codes, are not a result of a bad sensor.

So, over time it tends to become, fouled with carbon and sooty deposits. As a result, the element just simply erodes and wears down, like the electrode on a spark plug. They can also become fouled, if any silicone from grease or lubricants, makes its way to the exhaust stream. And, if any oil or coolant, make their way to the combustion chambers. Then, if the (O2) sensor is worn out, it will lag in response time, or can just stop working.

What Can Cause The (O2) Oxygen Sensor To Fail:

  • Contaminated Fuel
  • Silicone and Sealant ( Not Sensor Approved )
  • Corrosion
  • Leaks From Oil, Antifreeze and Fuel
  • Leaded Fuel

So, over time, your (O2) sensor can become caked, with byproducts of combustion. Including, sulfur, lead, fuel additives, and oil ash. As a result, this keeps your sensors from sending signals, to your engine’s computer. Also, using fuel that isn’t recommended for your vehicle, or low quality fuel can make your sensor fail faster.

(O2) Oxygen Sensor Failure, Can Cause Catalytic Converter Meltdown

So, an (O2) sensor failure, can lead to wrong readings of the exhaust gasses. As a result, the faulty (O2) sensor can cause, a too rich or too lean condition. Too rich, and the catalyst can melt down. While, too lean, and the converter is unable to convert the hydrocarbons into safe elements. And, may not pass a state inspection.

The fuel that powers your vehicle, is meant to burn, in the combustion chamber only. So, any fuel that leaves the combustion chamber unburned, will enter the exhaust system. And, will combust, when it reaches the catalytic converter. As a result, this can super heat the converter, far above normal operating conditions and cause a meltdown.

Other Possible Things To Check Include:

Check For Vacuum Leaks

So, if your engine has a vacuum leak, the “air fuel” ratio in your engine, will be higher than 14.7:1. Consequently, this is also called, a “lean” mixture”. So, this ratio means that, there is too much air in your engine. And, as a result, the engine will run poorly or not at all. Finally, what is interesting about a vacuum leak is, it can look like something else.

The “air fuel” ratio, is very important in the proper workings of an engine. So, the proper amount of air has to be present, or else combustion efforts, are greatly affected. Also, a leak condition, can result in air that is not properly measured entering into the engine. As a result, that upsets the balance, and the result can be the engine having some problems.

Check The (EGR) Valve

So, a stuck open (EGR) valve, will create a lack of (O2) in the exhaust. Because, the recirculating exhaust, has all its (O2) already burnt. Furthermore, the (ECM) sometimes uses, the (O2) sensor to check for proper (EGR) operation. Then, sets a code if necessary.

So, be aware of the fact that, a vehicle might be running lean. Because, the (ECM) sees, a rich (O2) sensor signal. Most often, due to a defective (stuck open) (EGR) valve. Since the (ECM) sees a rich signal, it will try to correct it, with a lean command. Then, try to lower the (O2) sensors, high voltage signal.

Testing (O2) Oxygen Sensor Voltage Signals:

  • Start the engine and check the sensor voltage signals, on your voltmeter.
  • The sensor voltage should cycle or fluctuate, within the 100 mV 900 mV (0.10 to 0.90V) range.
  • Hence, this means the sensor, is operating properly.
  • However, if the (O2) sensor, only produces a low or high voltage signal.
  • Then, you have an engine performance issue, or the (O2) sensor stopped working.

To Verify Sensor Operation, Conduct The Next Two Tests

1, Test the  (O2) Oxygen Sensor Response, to a “Lean Fuel” Condition:

  1. First, disconnect the hose from the (PCV) valve, leading to the intake manifold.
  2. This will allow more air, to enter the engine. If you need to locate the (PCV) valve, consult your vehicle service manual.
  3. Check the sensor’s signal voltmeter reading. An (O2) sensor interprets an increase in (O2), as a fuel lean condition. Then, emits a signal, close to 200mV (0.20 V).
  4. If the sensor doesn’t respond accordingly or takes time to respond, the sensor isn’t working properly.

2, Test the (O2) Oxygen Sensor Response, to a “Rich Fuel” Condition:

  1. Next, disconnect the plastic duct, from the air cleaner assembly on your vehicle.
  2. Block the duct opening, leading to the engine, with a clean rag. This will reduce, the amount of air going into the engine.
  3. Check the sensor’s signal voltmeter reading. An (O2) sensor interprets, a decrease in (O2), as a rich fuel condition. Then, emits a signal, close to 800mV (0.80 V).
  4. If the sensor doesn’t respond accordingly or takes time to respond, the sensor isn’t working properly.

If the (O2) oxygen sensor in your vehicle, responded correctly to your tests. Then, you might have a problem with another component, affecting fuel efficiency.

So, as you can see, testing is way cheaper, than just replacing parts.


So, one of the most important sensors in modern vehicles, is the (O2) sensor. Also, known as the (O2) sensor, because (O2) is the chemical formula for oxygen. The (O2) sensor, monitors how much unburned (O2), is present in the exhaust, as the exhaust exits the engine.

So, by monitoring (O2) levels, the sensor provides, a way to measure the “air fuel” ratio. Finally, knowing the “air fuel” ratio, allows your engine to make any necessary changes. And, that ensure that your vehicle, runs like it should.


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