So, one minute your engine is running fine. Then, the next, you’re sitting on the side of the road, wondering what happened.
Consequently, diagnosing engine issues, is not always easy. And, can be even harder to repair.
So, in most instances, there is ample warning that something is amiss, long before the engine actually fails. But, not all engine issues are serious. And, some can be remedied relatively quickly.
However, there are other engine issues, that can cause serious breakdowns.
And, in the worst-case scenarios, may require a brand-new engine. So, remember that your engine is an extremely complicated system, and requires preventative maintenance. We all know it’s important to take care of your engine. But, it can be easy to overlook, the warning signs.
If your engine is damaged, it will significantly affect your car’s performance. Fortunately, you can save yourself time and money, by quickly diagnosing engine issues, before they cause more harm.
Early Warning Signs Of Engine Issues:
Check Engine Light On
- Dashboard warning lights, are your car’s way of alerting you, about problems it detects. Consequently, it does this using its, On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) system. Above all, if your Check Engine Light (CEL) turns on, don’t just ignore it. Because, reading any engine codes, could steer you in the right direction, for a proper repair. Subsequently, ignoring the problem, could cause more damage to your engine (and other parts) over time.
Engine Knocking Noises
A knocking noise coming from your engine, is a classic sign of engine failure:
- Pistons
- Bearings
- Timing parts
- Connecting rods
Other noises you should look out for include, popping, spitting and backfiring from your exhaust.
Running Roughly Or Misfiring Engine Issues
- Listen to the sound your engine produces, while you are driving. Is it consistent? A struggling engine will often stutter, shake or lose power, as the revs increase. So, a few solutions may be to, replace the spark plugs, check fuel pressure, or get a tune-up.
Engine Oil Leaks
- If you notice puddles of oil under your car, this is probably a result of a oil leak. As the oil depletes, more friction will occur in your engine, generating excess heat. Oil leaks are common from, engine oil seals, and drain plugs. As a result, this can cause, damage to engine components over time. Oil pressure, is just as important.
Exhaust Smell In Car
- So, the smell of a car’s emissions, should never be noticeable, from inside the car. Consequently, if you have a strong exhaust smell, this could be a sign of engine issues. Above all, don’t ignore strange engine smells and expect them to go away.
Excessive Fuel Consumption
- Increased fuel consumption, can often be related to, a fault in the way your engine processes fuel. When paired with a check engine light (CEL) and other engine-related symptoms, the problem can be much worse.
Loss Of Engine Power
- Engines will struggle to run at their usual level, if there is an internal problem. As a result, your car may stall, shake at high speeds or struggle with hills.
Smoke From Your Car’s Tailpipe Or Exhaust
So, there are several reasons, why your exhaust could be producing smoke. But, the color of the smoke can give you an idea, of what is causing the problem:
- If the smoke is black, it means your engine has, incomplete combustion. Which leads to burning too much fuel.
- Grey smoke, can mean several different things, making it difficult to diagnose.
- Dark blue smoke, means that your engine is burning oil. This is due to, oil leaking into your engine’s combustion chamber.
Major Causes Of Engine Issues:
Poor Lubrication
- So, it’s absolutely vital that your engine receives, enough oil between its moving parts. A lack of lubrication will cause, unnecessary friction inside the engine. As a result, lead to overheating and worse still, engine issues.
Leaking Engine Coolant
- One of the easier engine issues to diagnose is, leaking engine coolant. So, if your engine coolant is continually low, it’s a sure sign that there is a leak.
Prolonged Engine Detonation
- If your engine is making a knocking noise, there may be too much heat, within its combustion chamber. A combination of overheating and high pressures, creates engine detonation. Also, known as a spark knock. If this is not dealt with quickly, you will have engine issues. As a result, causing long-term damage to pistons, head gaskets and piston rings.
Damaged (O2) Sensors
- An inaccurate oxygen sensor (O2) is dangerous, not only for your engine, but for the rest of the car too. If the sensor does not give your car the right data about, how much (O2) remains in the exhaust. Then, you run the risk of inefficiencies with your engine.
Old Spark Plugs
- So, the spark plugs job is to ignite the compressed fuel, in the engine. Old spark plugs, can create a weak ignition and can stop an engine, from firing correctly. As a result, causing engine misfiring. This is another issue that results in, inefficient fuel economy. And, can also cause serious long-term damage, to the engine and more engine issues.
So, when your car sends warning signs, that something’s not right, it’s vital that these signs, are not ignored. Above all, an early fix, is the smart approach. In addition, regular maintenance to prevent problems, from developing in the first place.
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