Push Button Start Troubleshooting: Why Won’t the Engine Crank?

Push Button Start
Push Button Start

Many newer vehicles have replaced, the traditional key-style ignition switch, with a push button start.

As technology advances, our lives become more convenient, but are we also putting ourselves at risk?

Will the push button start, ever be perfect? It’s unlikely, but it is the way the industry is heading.

Consequently, it looks like the push button start, is here to stay. As a result, let’s find out, what can go wrong and why.

So, a smart key fob, sends a coded security signal, to the powertrain control module (PCM). But, only when the key fob is, close enough or inside the vehicle. This tells the (PCM), that the engine can be started at any time. Before the engine will start, the transmission must be in park or neutral. And, the driver must depress and hold the brake pedal.

Pressing the push button start, sends a command to the (PCM). The (PCM) then checks the status, of the park/neutral safety switch and the brake pedal switch.

Also, the transmission needs to be in park or neutral, with the brake on. As a result, the (PCM), then sends a start command to the starter motor to crank the engine.

Push Button Start – Keyless Entry System – Engine Does Not Crank

So, what if the engine does not crank, when you press the push button start. Then, any of the following may be the cause:

Dead Battery, In Smart Key Fob

  • First, hold the dead key fob, against the push button start button. Next, use the fob to press, the push button start button down. This should allow the button to, inductively read the security code in the fob. And, pass the start command, to the (PCM). Now, your engine should start. Replace the dead battery, inside the Smart Fob with a new battery, as soon as possible.

Wrong Or Defective, Key Fob

  • If you accidentally picked up the wrong key fob or the fob itself is defective, your engine will not start. As a result, have your vehicle towed to your car dealer, to have a new fob programmed for your vehicle.

Defective, Push Button Start Button

  • You have the correct key fob and the battery inside the fob is good. But, nothing happens, when you press the start engine button or use the fob, to press the start button. Consequently, you may have to replace, a defective start engine button, with a new one.

Dead, Car Battery

  • A dead or discharged car battery, can prevent your engine from cranking or starting. Open the hood and check the battery voltage with a voltmeter. A battery that has more than about 12.4 volts, should have enough voltage to start your engine.
  • If the battery is low or dead, try jump starting the battery, from another vehicle. Then, hook up a battery charger to recharge or boost the battery. Also, check the battery cable connections, to make sure they are clean and tight. Finally, have your battery tested, to determine its condition.

Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Problem

  • See if the (PCM) has an internal fault.
  • Also, there may be a problem with, the anti-theft system.
  • (such as not reading the fob correctly or the security codes have gotten out of sync).
  • Further diagnosis will be necessary, to determine the problem with the push button start.
  • There may be a programming issue or a fault in the keyless entry system.
  • A keyless entry module, that routes the security signal, to the (PCM).

But, for this, you will need a professional grade scan tool, with bi-directional and reprogramming capability.

Faulty, Starter Motor

  • If the starter motor, or the relay, module or solenoid, that energizes the starter is bad. Then, the starter will not crank the engine. Try jumping the starter directly, to see if it cranks the engine. This will tell you, if the starter is working. The starter can also be removed and taken to an auto parts store, that has a starter tester.
  • If the starter tests bad, you need a new starter. If it tests good, the problem is not the starter, but likely a bad starter module, relay or solenoid. Be sure to inspect, all the cables and wires that connects to the starter. Loose, corroded or damaged wire connections, can prevent a good starter from cranking, with a push button start.

Blown Fuse

Actually this should be, one of the first things to check. Locate the power center under the hood and check for blown fuses in the starter circuit. Replace as needed (always replace with same amp capacity fuse).


So, there is only real difference between a push button start system and a conventional keyed ignition switch. And, that is you don’t need a key, to close the circuit on the ignition. Because, the button does that. Also, pushing the button, does the same thing, that turning the key does. Finally, the fob is really the beauty behind the system, which ensures that, only you can start the car.


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