Engine Problems Can Be Scary, Learn About The Common Ones

Engine Problems Can Be Scary, Learn About The Common Ones
Engine Problems Can Be Scary, Learn About The Common Ones

For most people, diagnosing engine problems, is not easy. And, can be scary, to even think about.

That’s why, our fear of the unknown, is what makes engine problems, so scary.

So, if you own a car, there are a few common engine problems, that every driver runs into sooner or later.

There are many different types, of engine problems your car can face.

Consequently, some problems are just uncomfortable, while others, can prevent the vehicle from moving.

Checking For Engine Problems
Checking For Engine Problems

So, it turns out, there are a few common engine problems, that seem to affect engines on a regular basis. Not all drivers have the ability to diagnose and properly fix, whatever engine problems that might come up. Consequently, knowing the signs and symptoms, of some of the most common engine problems, can save you time and money. However, not all engine problems are serious and some, can be fixed relatively quickly.

Here’s A Look At Some Of The Most Common, Engine Problems:

Oxygen (O2) Sensors

Engine Problems
Oxygen (O2) Sensors

So, oxygen (O2) sensors, are one of the most important parts, on a modern vehicle’s engine management system. They are responsible for monitoring the, air to fuel mixture of the engine. Oxygen (O2) sensor readings, affect important engine functions, such as timing and air to fuel mixture. Over time, with normal use, oxygen (O2) sensors can begin to function, with a delayed response. Then, they will eventually fail.

Typical symptoms, of a faulty oxygen (O2) sensor are:

  • Decreased engine performance.
  • Decreased fuel economy.
  • Rough idle.
  • Engine misfires.

Usually, a faulty oxygen (O2) sensor, will set off a check engine light. And, tell you, which sensor on what bank has failed. Replacing an oxygen (O2) sensor, is an extremely common repair in older cars. So, your oxygen (O2) sensor is a vital part, of your exhaust system.

It’s job is, to detect, unburned oxygen in your exhaust. So, as your car ages, your oxygen (O2) sensor, becomes worn and is often due for replacement. Furthermore, early failure can be brought about by other failures, like blown head gaskets. Consequently, causing, engine problems.

Catalytic Converters

Catalytic Converters
Catalytic Converters

So, the catalytic converter, is an emissions related part, that is part of the exhaust system. As the engine runs, the catalytic converter heats up, to an operating temperature of 500-1200 °F.

Because, at this temperature the particles in the ‘dirty’ exhaust, are burned and converted into water vapor and carbon dioxide.

The catalyst inside the catalytic converter, is nearly always comprised of precious metals, such as platinum, rhodium, or palladium. Consequently, when the catalyst, isn’t able to burn off the unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust, an unpleasant odor can occur. Furthermore, a rough running engine or misfire, may be felt or the check engine light (CEL) may come on.

Ignition Coils

Engine Problems
Ignition Coils

Your ignition coil, turns low voltage electrical power 12 volts D.C. to, high voltage current 50,000 volts D.C. or higher. So, your vehicle’s ignition coil, sends an electrical signal, to your spark plugs. As a result, the spark generated by the coil, ignites the air to fuel mixture in the engine.

A failing coil, can result in a number of problems. Such as, a stalled vehicle or a rough idling engine. Also, if an ignition coil doesn’t work, no spark will ignite the air to fuel mixture, causing a misfire. Finally, a bad ignition coil, can severely damage, the engine or catalytic converter. Consequently, causing, engine problems.

Spark Plugs

Spark Plugs
Spark Plugs

Failing spark plugs, can have several common signs, which can, help you diagnose this problem.
Most often, the recommendations for spark plug replacement intervals, tend to be overly optimistic.

For example, if you’ve already got 80,000 miles on a set of 100,000-mile plugs, they’re 80 percent worn and beginning to take a toll, on engine performance and gas mileage.

Worse yet, after that many miles, spark plugs, have a tendency, to seize in the cylinder head. Furthermore, on some vehicles, spark plug replacement, may be labor intensive and involve, removal of the intake plenum.

Fuel Or Gas Caps

Engine Problems
Fuel Or Gas Caps

Most fuel or gas caps have threads, which are fixed to the tank pipe, with matching threads. A rubber gasket at the top, is compressed when the cap is closed. So, it stops fuel and fuel vapor leaks. The fuel filler cap, also has air vents, that allow the air to enter into the tank and maintain pressure.

Other caps have locks within them, requiring a key to open them. The emission control system, monitors the fuel vapors and turns on a engine light, when there is leakage. If the seal is damaged or if the fuel filler cap does not seal the tank properly. Then, the engine light will come on, along with the fuel door light. Consequently, causing, engine problems.

If this light comes on, check the fuel filler cap and see, if it is screwed on properly. Most of the time, the problem may be solved, by replacing the defective gasket.

However, cleaning the cap and the gasket, may also help in a few cases. A loose fuel cap, is a common cause, of a check engine light. A loose fuel cap, can change aspects of the fuel tank, that can cause, low performance within the engine. So, if your check engine light is on, always check your gas cap first.



A thermostat is part of the cooling system, that controls the temperature of the coolant, in the engine. The thermostat is a metal valve, that has a temperature sensor built in. It can either be open or closed. So, when the thermostat is closed, it keeps the coolant, in the engine. But, when the engine gets to a predetermined temperature, the thermostat opens, allowing coolant to circulate.

So, the circulation of coolant, prevents the engine from overheating. But, if the thermostat fails to open, the engine will overheat. If the thermostat fails to close, the engine may never reach, the optimal operating temperature (~220F). The thermostat opens and closes many times, when the car engine is running. It is the most common part, in the cooling system to fail, causing the car, to overheat. Consequently, causing, engine problems.

Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor

Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor
Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor

The mass airflow (MAF) sensor, helps the engine maintain optimal combustion. Signs of failure include, a rough engine idle and the engine running rich. So, the mass airflow (MAF) sensor, is an electronic device that runs, between your vehicle’s air box and intake manifold. It measures, the amount of air that passes through it and sends this information, to the engine’s computer, or (ECU).

Consequently, the (ECU) takes this information and combines it with, air intake temperature data. Then, it can determine the proper amount of fuel necessary, for an optimal combustion. If your vehicle’s (MAF) sensor is failing, you will notice rough idling and the vehicle running rich. Finally, (MAF) sensor failure can happen in cars, of any age. Consequently, causing, engine problems.

(EVAP) Purge Control Valve And Solenoid

(EVAP) Purge Control Valve And Solenoid
(EVAP) Purge Control Valve And Solenoid

So, the purge valve, is part of the vehicle’s, evaporative emission control (EVAP) system. The (EVAP system), prevents fuel vapors in the fuel tank, from escaping into the atmosphere. The (EVAP) system, traps fuel vapors from the fuel tank and temporarily stores them, in the charcoal canister.

So, the most common problem, with the purge valve is, when it sticks or does not close fully. This may cause the “Check Engine” warning light to come on. In some cars, a stuck-open purge valve, can cause difficulty starting, right after refueling. Also, for the first few seconds the engine may, run rough and stumble.


So, regardless of the vehicle make and model you drive, engine problems, are always around the corner. Consequently, even with proper maintenance, like oil change services, car problems can still happen.

Regular maintenance might seem pricey, but it’s also critical to keeping your car, in good working condition. Finally, if you want to get the most use out of your vehicle, be sure to keep up with maintenance.

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