Rear engine oil leaks, that are confused with a rear main seal leak, are usually an oil pan gasket leaking.
Consequently, an oil pan gasket is also, much less expensive to replace, than a leaking rear main seal.
So, It’s important to check for leaks in your oil pan gasket, before you jump to any conclusions.

So, before you panic, you’ll want to check other options higher up, that may be dripping down.
The most common rear engine oil leaks that can masquerade, as a rear main seal leak are:
- A valve cover gasket leak
- Intake manifold gasket leak
- A distributor gasket leak

So, if you find oil on your engine above the bellhousing, check for leaks at these locations first.
If the rear main seal was leaking on your engine, it will drip oil onto the flexplate or flywheel. Most engines have an inspection cover in the bellhousing that will allow you to check for this. So, the best way to prove that you’ve got a rear main seal leak. Most often, is to check if the engine side of the flexplate or flywheel is oily.
Consequently, almost 90% of all rear main seal oil leak complaints, were actually leaks in the pan gasket, rocker covers, side covers, etc. And, are not leaking rear main oil seals. Also, in rare cases, a blown head gasket.

Finding The Actual Location Of, Rear Engine Oil Leaks
The Following Is A Suggested Procedure, To Determine The Exact Location Of The Leak:
- Wipe the bottom of the engine, to clean all dirt and oil from the oil pan, etc.
- Plug the breather pipe and oil filler opening with rags.
- With the engine idling, blow compressed air into the dipstick pipe or opening.
- Watch for oil leaks and trace to the source.
- Determine whether the oil is coming from the pan gasket, pan gasket end seal, leaky fitting or rocker cover gaskets. In addition, push rod cover gasket, or from any source other than the rear main oil seal.
- A small mirror and flashlight are handy tools to use, in checking hard to see places.
Start the vehicle up and let it idle for 15 minutes, and see if that helps you identify the leak. Or, at least begins to show some oil leaking in the engine. Once you’ve determined you’ve got a dripping leak, you’ll want to start from the bottom and work your way up.

Consequently, if you see oil dripping on the back of your oil pan. Or, on the front of your transmission bell housing. Then, it’s possible you have a rear main seal leak.
So, crankcase oil additives can sometimes help slow a leak, by causing aged gaskets and seals to swell. But, no additive will stop a major leak, or repair a broken gasket or worn seal. So, sooner or later you will have to replace the leaky gasket or seal. And, always check for new or updated rear seals.
Finally, valve cover gaskets are usually easy to replace. But, intake manifold gaskets, pan gaskets and crankshaft seals are much more difficult.