Engine antifreeze coolant, plays a very important role, in keeping your cooling system, functioning efficiently.
So, the main purpose, of engine antifreeze coolant, is to prevent water from freezing. While at the same time, raising its boiling point, to prevent overheating.
Above all, antifreeze is not used by itself. But, by adding the correct amount of good water, we now have engine coolant. And, this is what we actually put, in our cooling system.
So, engine antifreeze coolant, is just another name, for properly mixed antifreeze and water.
Engine Antifreeze Coolant, What Does It Do?
This New Mixture, Adds Further Protection To Your Engine. Even More, It Is Very Important To Have The Right Antifreeze, In The Correct Concentration.
Cooling system problems, are now responsible for about, 60% of engine failures. So, the color of antifreeze can be green, orange, red or even blue. But, most of the time coolant should look, a vivid green, and it should feel slippery, like oil. If it feels gritty to the touch. Then, you should get the cooling system flushed, and replace the engine coolant.
What Does Engine Antifreeze Coolant Do:
- Prevents Corrosion
- Helps With, Heat Transfer
- Protects From Freezing
- Prevention Of Scale Build Up
- Lubricates The Water Pump
- Compatibility With Hard Water
- Stability At High Temperatures
- Compatibility With Plastics, And Other Materials, Used In Cooling Systems
- Controls Foaming
So, engine designs have changed, to improve fuel efficiency, and lower emissions. As a result, these demands have made, engine operating conditions, even more severe.
Buy The Best, And Forget The Rest
Even when the warranty is over, it is still best to follow the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation. However, the antifreeze used, should at least meet minimum spec. There are many older vehicles, which still use traditional engine antifreeze coolant. But, they still need to meet, factory spec. As a result, these coolants are cheaper, than the longer life technologies. And, do not achieve, the same corrosion protection.
Water Quality Matters
There is still one factor that can, reduce the effectiveness of antifreeze. And, that is the quality of the water. Consequently, high levels of calcium and magnesium in tap water, can lead to deposits and scale build up. So, it is best to use, distilled water in the cooling system, rather than tap water.
Frequently Asked Questions, About Engine Antifreeze Coolant (FAQs)
Q, What is the difference between, coolant and antifreeze?
A, Antifreeze is a concentrated product, and has to be diluted. The diluted liquid, is usually called, engine coolant.
Q, How do I find out, what type of coolant should be in my car?
A, The best way, is to ask your dealer, or check your owners manual.
Q, How do I find out, what type of coolant is in my car?
A, The color of the engine antifreeze coolant, does not prove type or quality of the product. As a result, the best course of action, is to drain and flush the system.
Q, Which types of coolant, can form sludge when mixed?
A, Good quality engine antifreeze, should not form sludge. However, poorer quality coolants and or the use of very hard water, can form sludge.
I Want To Replace / Top Up The Coolant. What Should I Use?
For replacing or topping up, you should use the product suggested, by the vehicle manufacturer. This should be one that meets the spec, suggested by the vehicle manufacturer. Also, it is important to ensure, that this is diluted to the correct mix, with good quality water.
The Engine Antifreeze Coolant I Use, Is Too Expensive. Can I Use Something Cheaper?
So, for most people, a car is a significant investment. As a result, using a good quality antifreeze, will help to protect your investment.
So, you’ll need to have the cooling system flushed, and the engine antifreeze coolant replaced from time to time. And, because of its importance, it’s vital you keep a regular check, on the condition of the coolant.