Cylinder Head Gasket Leaks Are Expensive – Know The Symptoms

Cylinder Head Gasket Leaks Are Expensive - Know The Symptoms
Cylinder Head Gasket Leaks Are Expensive - Know The Symptoms

Cylinder head gasket leaks, can cause a variety of problems. And, usually happens when your not expecting it.

First of all, you can not see the cylinder head gasket, without removing the cylinder head.

So, actually finding out where the cylinder head gasket leak is, can be difficult. And, to make matters even worse, cylinder head gasket leaks, can be internal or external.

However, cylinder head gasket leaks, are very common and very expensive.

Cylinder Head Gasket Leaks – Know The Signs And Symptoms:

  • Compression loss, (power reduction, or a rough running engine).
  • Excessive pressure, (exhaust gases in the cooling system). 
  • Engine overheating and added engine wear, (engine oil mixing with antifreeze).
External Head Gasket Leak
External Head Gasket Leak

Usually, one of these symptoms by itself, is not enough to prove, you have cylinder head gasket leaks. But, having multiple symptoms, at the same time, increases your chances dramatically. That’s why, knowing the signs, can steer you in the right direction.

So, besides allowing coolant into the combustion chamber, an internal head gasket leak, allows exhaust gases into the coolant. As a result, this can cause bubbles, that make the coolant look like, it’s boiling, even when it’s cold.

Bubbles In Engine Coolant Tank
Bubbles In Engine Coolant Tank

Consequently, the bubbles are exhaust gases, that force their way into the cooling system, during the combustion process. In addition, antifreeze in the crankcase, can also dilute and contaminate the engine oil.

Internal Head Gasket Leak
Internal Head Gasket Leak

So, with little to no lubrication, the first thing to wear out, are the engine bearings. Furthermore, you could start to hear, lifter ticking noise.

NOTE: An internal coolant leak, doesn’t always mean the head gasket is leaking. Because, hairline cracks in the cylinder head or engine block, can also cause leaks.

Cylinder Head Cracked
Cylinder Head Cracked

One method for finding a leak, is to do a pressure test. Start, by removing the spark plug, from the cylinder that is suspect and apply air pressure to that cylinder. Then, if the air leaks into the cooling system, that cylinder is leaking.

Above all, it is important to drive your vehicle as little as possible, if you have any leaks.

Head Gasket Leak Between Cylinders
Head Gasket Leak Between Cylinders

Symptoms Of Cylinder Head Gasket Leaks Include:

  • Coolant leaking externally, from below the exhaust manifold.
  • White smoke, from the exhaust pipe.
  • Overheating engine.
  • Bubbles in the radiator or coolant recovery tank.
  • White milky oil.
  • Significant loss of coolant, with no visible leaks.

Hot gases and cold coolant, moving past the gasket, can quickly warp the cylinder head or engine block. Consequently, leaving you with costly machining bills or even having to purchase, new heads or a new engine.

Catalytic Converter Damage

Antifreeze entering the exhaust system, can block the air passages, by creating heavy carbon deposits, that coat the ceramic catalyst. These heavy carbon deposits, create two problems. First, the carbon deposits, prevent the catalytic converter from, reducing harmful emission, in the exhaust flow. And, second, the carbon deposits, clog the pores in the ceramic catalyst and block exhaust flow.

Engine Coolant Burning In Exhaust
Engine Coolant Burning In Exhaust

As a result, increasing back pressure and causing heat and exhaust, to back up into the engine compartment.

So, if a large amount of coolant leaks, hydro lock can occur, causing extensive engine damage.

Hydrolocked Engine
Hydrolocked Engine

Cylinder Head Gaskets, Seal Three Different Types Of Fluids:

  • Combustible air/fuel mixture.
  • Water based coolants.
  • Engine oil for lubrication.

Apart from sealing the cylinder, the head gasket, also seals, coolant and oil passages, between the head and block. So, any leaks between them, will cause engine failure or significant problems, like burning oil. So, blue exhaust smoke, may be a sign of, oil burning. But, white exhaust smoke, is an indicator of, coolant burning, another sign of head gasket leaks.

White Exhaust Smoke
White Exhaust Smoke

Occasionally, the compression in the cylinder, will cause a leak to form in the head gasket. But, this problem is worse, because of the use of aluminum. Actually, aluminum has a much greater, thermal expansion rate, than cast iron. So, by adding a non-stick coating, such as teflon, to the surface of the gasket, leaks are greatly reduced. Because, this allows the head to slide on the block, causing less damage to the gasket.

Sometimes, all you will see, is excessive white smoke out the exhaust. But, the engine may run and drive like normal. However, the engine will overheat, when all the coolant is gone.


So, the main cause, for cylinder head gasket leaks, is extreme engine temperature. That’s why, a coolant leak or just not having enough coolant, can cause overheating. However, because of the different material combinations in today’s engines, head gaskets are going to fail. Finally, when they do, have the repairs done, as soon as possible, to avoid further damage.

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